Ciabatta Bread (Ozmen Sarısı Ekstra)

It is the famous Italian ciabatta bread. It means slipper. Ciabatta bread, which is a water-dense bread, is actually a kind of bread made in the villages of Italy. With the development of modern bakery, their mixes became the star of the industry. Anything can be added to it. Thyme, rosemary, olive, cheese, apricot, walnut are her favorite flavors. You can shape it as you wish. If you want a single 50 gram serving or a curved ciabatta. It is a favorite of dieters as it is as empty as it is for breakfast. Their toasts and sandwiches made with dairy products are legendary. If desired, the health aspect can be enriched by adding some whole wheat to the wheat flour.

  • For Dough 500 gr. Flour
  • For the dough 17 gr. Salt
  • For the dough 40 gr. Fresh yeast
  • For the dough 450 gr. Water
  • For the dough 20 gr. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 150 gr. Walnut
  • 150 gr. Apricot


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