ÖZMEN SARISI EKSTRA for bread - bazlama

Either with rind pored or sourdough with lots of pores. Özmen Sarısı Extra Flour is the alternative solution partner of our masters, providing freshness for a long time by preserving the moisture inside, forming a thin shell with its elastic structure and carrying all the scents of spring. A gift of Mesopotamia for those who want better and follow in the footsteps of perfection.

allergen notice
includes gluten.
max 14,5%
min 13%
max 0,80%

Frequently AskedQuestions

Who prefers Özmen Sarısı Extra Flour?

Generally, it is used by bazlama producers and bread-making companies that make industrial production.

What is the shelf life of Özmen Sarısı Extra Flour?

Products prepared with Özmen Sarısı Extra have a longer shelf life than products made from white flour.

What is the water absorption rate in Özmen Sarısı Ekstra Flour?

The water absorption rate of Özmen Sarısı Ekstra product is as successful as that of Özmen Sarısı flour.

How is the color of Özmen Sarısı Ekstra Flour?

The yellow tone is slightly lighter than the Özmen Sarısı flour.

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